Overview Pros Cons Yes To MTM

MTM (Multiple Team Memberships) @ EggHarbor Cafe

Benefits of multi-teaming

Challenges of multi-teaming

Temporal misalignment: occurs when teams share members but are out of sync with the frequency and timing of meetings and working sessions, including associated work effort to meet deadlines, to the extent of time. The Overcommitted Organization describes the effects of juggling conflicting demands and priorities for members of multiple teams frequently experience.

The Overcommitted Organization

One Article of Many

Context switching is when individuals have to shift between two or more team contexts, the challenge being the frequency workers are required to do so and also the degree of difference in team contexts. Are there scheduled times? Is it without notice?

How to know when multiple team memberships is too much?

Understanding whether employees are overcommitted due to multiteaming and the performance of individuals, teams and the organization are being eroded, relies on the organization actively measuring and understanding whether their employee's experience aligns with those of high performing teams.

Google's Project Aristotle recent extensive study of teams found that the most important characteristic for successful teams is psychological safety, a setting "in which everyone is safe to take risks, voice their opinions, and ask judgment-free questions. A culture where managers provide air cover and create safe zones so employees can let down their guard." High-Performing Teams Need Psychological Safety.

Project Aristotle also highlighted the importance of team members getting things done on time and meeting expectations, also having structure and clarity.

As The Overcommitted Organization concludes, successful multi-teaming require a significant investment of time and resources to get it right. Time for teams and new members to develop trust based relationships. Time for individuals and teams to think, reflect, absorb and learn from a diversity of information and knowledge. Time for individuals to meet the obligations of all of their teams, and resources that enable this through coordination and navigation of competing priorities and risks associated with multi-teaming.